WHDLoad MantisBT - Gunship
View Issue Details
0003920Gunship[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-08-07 14:472023-08-29 03:45
ReporterMarkus Klotzberg 
Assigned ToJOTD 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
GFXCardCyberVision 64
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem16 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0003920: When i try to start the Helicopter with Keys 1 and 2 for Engine the first
DescriptionGameVersion: German, Pal, 1 Disk
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 20.05.2000

When i try to start the Helicopter with Keys 1 and 2 for Engine the first starts but without Sound. Then the Game freezes. Sometimes i am able to start the second Engine and i can take off. But after some seconds the Screen gets scrambled.
This happens on the descibed A3000 and on A4000 with Cyberstorm MK2 (68060/50Mhz) and A2000 with Vampire V2+.
On all that Machines the same issue.
When i use "exp24bit" the Sound Comes and i can Fly, after some seconds the Game crashes to Workbench wir Exception Error.
On an CDTV equipped with "Matzes" a1k 68010 14mhz it runs fine.
Same on an A1200 with Blizzard 1230 MK IV here it runs fine too.
The three Machines where the Problem exists have 16Mb Fast on Board (A3000 / A4000) and 128MB on Turbocard (A4000 / A2000). The A2000 has only 1 MB of Chipram.
Could it be a Problem with the Adress from the Memory ?
Greets Markus (German would be easier to write)
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Fileszip Gunship_Preinstalled.zip (107,149) 2018-12-30 18:29
zip Gunship_German.zip (107,053) 2018-12-30 18:29

2018-08-18 19:33   
can you attach your game files (compressed)? there are many versions out there.

I just need the "titlmule", "gamemule" and "scrnmule" files.
Markus Klotzberg   
2018-12-30 18:33   
Hello, just attached 2 Versions of the Game.

The Preinstalled is a preinstalled version which has the above discribed issue.
Meanwhile i bought the German version of the game. This one won´t start at all on my machines. All do the same -
"Exception "Illegal Instruction" ($10) at $F857694 (ExpMem $2A694) occured"

Possible other adress but all the same error message.
On CDTV it doesn´t work too, boots to the Intro but crashes when it starts in whdload and reboots. It doesn´t crash the complete CDTV, only the whdload.
2020-02-15 17:54   
note that I fixed the german version (which isn't in german BTW): it wasn't fully supported.

Will look into the other bug
2023-08-29 03:45   
Gunship is completely borked unless ExpChip is used: Most of the sound effects are missing, Some of the keys are not working, the game speed is too fast, and missing graphics.
With ExpChip the game works correctly, so the slave probably should not be using fastmem+caches by default.

Issue History
2018-08-07 14:47administratorNew Issue
2018-08-07 14:47administratorStatusnew => assigned
2018-08-07 14:47administratorAssigned To => JOTD
2018-08-18 19:33JOTDNote Added: 0006320
2018-12-28 23:39JOTDStatusassigned => feedback
2018-12-30 18:29Markus KlotzbergFile Added: Gunship_Preinstalled.zip
2018-12-30 18:29Markus KlotzbergFile Added: Gunship_German.zip
2018-12-30 18:33Markus KlotzbergNote Added: 0006612
2018-12-30 18:33Markus KlotzbergStatusfeedback => assigned
2018-12-30 18:36JOTDStatusassigned => acknowledged
2020-02-15 17:54JOTDNote Added: 0007722
2023-08-29 03:45aardvark82Note Added: 0013160