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Toobin< >Top Cat

Top Banana (Hex)

download the install packageTopBanana.lha
created at2002-09-01
size of install package61596 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker265
Hall Of Light1457
Lemon Amiga2649

Short:    HD-Installer for Top Banana V1.0
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com), ICQ: 26051687
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.0
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Top Banana" (c) 1992 Hex - 2 disks.
Thanks to Mike West for sending the original.

- Slave requires WHDLoad V15+ and an installed A500 Kickstart 1.3 image
- Game requires 512k chip mem and 256k other mem (+1.2Mb other memory for 
  preload option)

- Full load from HD
- Manual protection removed
- Loads and saves high scores
- Colour bit fix
- Instructions included
- All files except "1banana/banana/B" can be compressed (FImp, Propack etc)
- RomIcon, NewIcon and OS3.5 Colour Icon (created by Chris Vella!) and 2 
  Exoticons (taken from http://exotica.fix.no)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

- Wait until the high score table is showing and type BANANA followed by
  a number from 1 to 4.  Now press fire to start and you will begin on
  the relevant level.

The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts"
and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from an
A500 with tools like "GrabKick" or similar which can be found on Aminet.
If the image is the wrong version or altered in any way, WHDLoad will
quit with an appropriate error message. 

Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the same
directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive 
"util/boot/skick343.lha" on Aminet.

Thanks to Mike for the original, Chris for the icons, Wepl for WHDLoad and
the rest of the WHDLoad team!

Codetapper/Action (01-Sep-2002)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
TopBanana.slave - 01.09.2002 23:42:38 - 3660 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsNoError EmulPriv ClearMem Examine
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info nameTop Banana
info copy1992 Hex
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.0 (01.09.2002)
Thanks to Mike West for sending the original!

Install Archive Content Listing
11930lh56662001-05-26 16:37:32TopBananaHD.info
96750lh525832002-09-01 12:52:22TopBananaHD\Install
7100lh53512002-09-01 11:59:18TopBananaHD\Install.info
64760lh530932002-07-20 19:16:28TopBananaHD\Instructions
39200lh532072001-07-06 02:00:38TopBananaHD\Instructions.info
23210lh511212002-09-01 23:43:10TopBananaHD\ReadMe
39200lh532072001-07-06 01:59:56TopBananaHD\ReadMe.info
99720lh597432002-07-20 08:41:06TopBananaHD\TopBanana.colexot
137740lh5122872002-09-01 12:03:10TopBananaHD\TopBanana.coloricon
1920lh01922002-09-01 12:51:08TopBananaHD\TopBanana.highs
73580lh548852002-07-20 08:40:22TopBananaHD\TopBanana.newexot
181380lh593802002-09-01 12:28:34TopBananaHD\TopBanana.newicon
124890lh575142002-09-01 11:48:36TopBananaHD\TopBanana.romicon
36600lh526762002-09-01 23:42:38TopBananaHD\TopBanana.slave

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