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Storm Master< >Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Stratego (Accolade)

download the install packageStratego.lha
created at2006-02-14
size of install package28231 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Dark Angel & Wepl
Mantis BugTracker561
Hall Of Light2133
Lemon Amiga1006


;--- Stratego HD install [registered users only]

This installer requires the original Stratego disk.
You have to install WHDLoad first.

If you have not yet registered WHDLoad, this patch will NOT work. You will return
to the workbench right after the title picture. As long as there are only a
handful of registrations while the download counters grow week by week I will
stop making patches only limited in saving to HD.

Thanks to Chris Vella for sending me his original.

Stratego is copyright by Accolade.

;--- Features

- Bugfix
- Cancel option for Initializing added
- Saves to HD
- Return to OS (Numl)

;--- History

v1.1.1 (14.02.2006) dony by Wepl:
- in newicon removed obsolete tooltypes (Dámaso Domínguez)

v1.1 (21.07.2005) dony by Wepl:
- support for PAL version added, thanks to Irek Kloska
- sound replay fixed
- regional lock removed
- savedisk handling improved (disk grows as required now)
- icon added and old icon fixed

;--- WHDLoad

Download the latest version and more game or demo installers at


Greetings to all members of the whdload family...wepl, harry, mr. larmer and
all the others. Special hello to my pal Flynn!  =)

                                                                   /   /
_____________________ STAY CLEAR CIVILIAN... ____________________ / / /_
                                                                 / / /
   Dark Angel of Gore Design                              ____  / / /
e-mail:  wir96fme@studserv.uni-leipzig.de                 \   \/ / /
________________________________________ powered by AMIGA  \ \ \/ /_____

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Stratego.Slave - 19.07.2005 13:31:14 - 816 bytes
required WHDLoad version13
flagsDisk NoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameStratego
info copy1991 Accolade
info installinstalled and fixed by Dark Angel & Wepl
Version 1.1 (19.07.2005)

Install Archive Content Listing
15840lh510462005-07-21 10:59:50Stratego Install.info
211140lh554492005-07-21 11:06:30Stratego Install\Install
12530lh58272005-07-21 10:59:38Stratego Install\Install.info
18310lh58662006-02-14 10:40:02Stratego Install\ReadMe
19900lh513102000-09-11 00:37:22Stratego Install\ReadMe.info
17630lh513562006-02-14 10:36:58Stratego Install\Stratego.colicon
200040lh5163042006-02-14 10:37:00Stratego Install\Stratego.newicon
8160lh56582005-07-19 13:31:14Stratego Install\Stratego.Slave

Old Install Archives

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