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Stellar 7< >Stormball

Stone Age (Eclipse)

download the install packageStoneAge.lha
created at2023-04-11
size of install package24296 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mr.Larmer & Bored Seal & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker1719
Hall Of Light2125
Lemon Amiga2576

	That install applies to "Stone Age" © 1992 Eclipse

	This install requires WHDLoad and RawDIC to be in the path.
	Both can be found in the WHDLoad package.
	To install from a different drive than DF0: select Expert as
	installation mode.

	You need 0.5 MB ChipMem and 0.5 MB OtherMem.
	You can quit the game by pressing Num '*' (key can be changed with
	Tooltype "QuitKey=")

	- copy protection removed,
	- load/save highscores
	- nice NI/MWB icons included,

	Thanks to:
	- Larry Nall for original disk image.

	version 1.0 (06-Oct-1999) done by Mr Larmer
	- first public release

	version 1.1 (29-Jan-2001) done by Bored Seal
	- load/save highscore support added
	- some SnoopAGA bugs removed 

	versiom 1.2 (11-Apr-2023) done by StingRay
	- BEAMCON0 access disabled (PAL/NTSC tooltypes work mow, issue #6038)
	- patch works with 0.5 MB chip memory and 0.5 MB other memory now
	- disk access disabled
	- imager updated to work with newer RawDIC versions
	- 68000 quitkey support
	- source code included
	- new install script

           for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
StoneAge.slave - 11.04.2023 20:11:36 - 672 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory512 KiB ($80000)
info nameStone Age
info copy1992 Eclipse
info installInstalled and fixed by Mr.Larmer, Bored Seal & StingRay
Version 1.2 (11-Apr-2023)
Greetings to Larry Nall

Install Archive Content Listing
12331lh5590Amiga2001-01-30 09:35:48StoneAgeHD.info
377611lh59367Amiga2023-04-11 20:14:38StoneAgeHD/Install
7111lh5363Amiga2023-04-11 20:20:50StoneAgeHD/Install.info
11541lh5657Amiga2023-04-11 20:19:18StoneAgeHD/ReadMe
14061lh5897Amiga2023-04-11 20:20:50StoneAgeHD/ReadMe.info
43261lh51823Amiga2023-04-11 20:06:42StoneAgeHD/Source/StoneAge.asm
50621lh51822Amiga2023-04-10 22:42:08StoneAgeHD/Source/StoneAge.islave.asm
160731lh52904Amiga2001-01-30 09:35:48StoneAgeHD/StoneAge.inf
7081lh5517Amiga2023-04-11 20:12:10StoneAgeHD/StoneAge.islave
125531lh54149Amiga2001-01-30 09:35:48StoneAgeHD/StoneAge.newicon
6721lh5566Amiga2023-04-11 20:11:36StoneAgeHD/StoneAge.slave

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