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Populous II: The Challenge Games< >Populous World Editor

Populous (Bullfrog)

download the install packagePopulous.lha
created at2023-06-22
size of install package167057 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker159
Hall Of Light1102
Lemon Amiga855

Short : HD-Installer for Populous
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (psygore@whdload.de)

That install applies to "Populous" © 1989 Bullfrog
("The Promised Lands" and "The Final Frontier" data disk supported)

It requires:
 - WHDLoad 17+
 - 512 Kb ChipMem and 256 Kb memory for the kickstart 1.3
   (+700 Kb and 340 Kb OtherMem for preload option)
 - An installed A500 Kickstart 1.3 image.

Version 1.3 (21.06.2023) by Psygore:
 - An access fault removed (introduced in slave v1.2)
 - Editor Key and Special Tips text added

Version 1.2 (31.01.2021) by Psygore:
 - Delay added to see the title screen on fast amiga
 - Slave compiled with the latest kickemu
 - Playguide and Worlds Overview doc added
 - Install script updated

Version 1.1 (19.11.2002) by Psygore:
 - IOCache decreased to have enough chip memory for sound.

Version 1.0 (11.11.2002) by Psygore:
 - Nice icons (created by me) and Exoticon (http://exotica.fix.no) included
 - Uses KickEmu (written by Wepl)
 - Loads sprite file correctly
 - Game options screen centered
 - Uses international keyboard
 - In Tooltypes: CUSTOM1=1 to use levels from The Promised Lands
                 CUSTOM1=2 to use levels from The Final Frontier
 - Quit with F10 (or ESC into the game)

Thanks to Eric Ehrhardt for the original disk and Jacob Jensen for Populous
and The Promised Lands disks image.

If you want to use the new worlds in your own custom landscapes, follow the

 1.Click on the GAME-SETUP icon
 2.Select CUSTOM
 3.Select PAINT MAP and click on OK

you can now access the new worlds by pressing the following keys:

 5 - The Bit Plains
 6 - The Wild West
 7 - Blockland
 8 - Silly World
 9 - Revolution Francaise
 0 - The Final Frontier

 4.Click on the GAME-SETUP icon
 5.Select SELECT PLAY-GAME, and click on OK

Enjoy this classic Amiga game!

The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts"
and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from a
A500 with tools like 'GrabKick' or similar which can be found on aminet.
If the image is of wrong version or altered in any way WHDLoad will
quit with a appropriate requester.
Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the
same directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive
"util/boot/skick346.lha" on aminet.

If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via 


or via mail to: psygore@whdload.de

for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

        or      aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
        and     aminet:game/patch/

--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___)   ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
 --  /  _/__¬\  / / /_¬\  --/ _  / __)  --
  - (__/(_____)  /(_____)  /_/ \(_____) -
            (___/      \__/     \__)in 06.2023

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
PopulousDecrunch.Slave - 11.11.2002 23:43:22 - 2132 bytes
required WHDLoad version14
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info namePopulous file decruncher
info copy1992 C.C.S.
info installWritten by Psygore
Version 1.0 (09 Nov 2002)
Populous.slave - 21.06.2023 17:15:02 - 5040 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulPriv ClearMem Examine
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info namePopulous
info copy1989 Bullfrog
info installInstalled by Psygore
Version 1.3 (19 Jun 2023)
KickEmu written by Wepl
Thanks to Eric Ehrhardt
and Jacob Jensen for
the disks image!
Kickstart name34005.a500
Kickstart size256 KiB ($40000)
Kickstart checksum$f9e3
ConfigurationC1:L:Levels:----,The Promised Lands,The Final Frontier

Install Archive Content Listing
24851lh5857Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/EditorKey
19901lh51314Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/EditorKey.info
39751lh51793Amiga2023-06-19 20:56:46PopulousHD.info
413351lh510077Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/Install-Populous
37111lh52575Amiga2023-06-19 20:56:46PopulousHD/Install-Populous.info
336151lh512270Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Manual
19901lh51312Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/Manual.info
101481lh54231Amiga2003-11-26 16:40:50PopulousHD/Playguide
19901lh51316Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/Playguide.info
120471lh511820Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.colexot
132271lh512784Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.colexot2
136831lh511364Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.colicon
121491lh57738Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.colicon2
21321lh51579Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/PopulousDecrunch.Slave
205141lh59403Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.newicon
165831lh57388Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.newicon2
387321lh038732Amiga2002-11-11 23:43:22PopulousHD/Populous.prg
50401lh53641Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/Populous.slave
29081lh51447Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/ReadMe
19901lh51312Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/ReadMe.info
17641lh5762Amiga2002-09-28 01:48:16PopulousHD/SpecialTips
19901lh51313Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/SpecialTips.info
68641lh06864Amiga2023-06-21 17:16:52PopulousHD/src/PopulousHD_src.lzx
505191lh512355Amiga2003-11-26 16:40:52PopulousHD/WorldsOverview
19901lh51317Amiga2023-06-21 17:15:02PopulousHD/WorldsOverview.info

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