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Innocent Until Caught< >Insector Hecti in the Inter Change

Insanity Fight (Microdeal)

download the install packageInsanityFight.lha
created at2012-11-09
size of install package19676 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & Wepl
Mantis BugTracker676
Hall Of Light2640
Lemon Amiga2262

Short : HD-Installer for Insanity Fight
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal, Wepl

This patch applies to "Insanity Fight" by Microdeal (c) 1994 - 1 disk.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V16+ and ROM files installed in DEVS: for KickEmu.
Game requires 0.5 MB Chip RAM.

- Full load from HD
- 2 versions supported
- Kick 1.3 interface used
- HiRes display bug fixed (3x)
- Quit option (your default key)

V1.0 (21-Jun-2002) - first release
V1.1 (05-Jul-2002) - another version supported (thanks James)
V1.2 (09-Nov-2012) - HiRes fix fixed, corrects display right shift, thanks to
	boing4000 for appropriate report (issue #2637), new install script,
	manual added, source included, done by Wepl

Thanks to Chris Vella and James Winn for disk images.

 Special WHDLoad functions allow to load ROM image in Fast RAM and they patch
it, so installed game has no problems with bad emulation of OS calls.
 To be able to use KickEmu slaves, you have to copy files 'kick34005.A500' and
'kick34005.A500.RTB' in your 'DEVS:Kickstarts/' directory. KickEmu slave requires
extra 512kb for storing ROM image.

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
InsanityFight.Slave - 09.11.2012 00:44:38 - 1564 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError EmulTrap EmulPriv
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info nameInsanity Fight
info copy1987 Microdeal
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal, Wepl
Version 1.2 (09.11.2012)
Kickstart name34005.a500
Kickstart size256 KiB ($40000)
Kickstart checksum$f9e3

Install Archive Content Listing
15841lh51046Amiga2012-11-09 00:56:54InsanityFight Install.info
13221lh5758Amiga2002-07-05 13:32:24InsanityFight Install/InsanityFight.inf
15641lh51224Amiga2012-11-09 00:44:38InsanityFight Install/InsanityFight.Slave
360281lh59058Amiga2012-11-09 00:56:38InsanityFight Install/Install
12581lh5830Amiga2012-11-09 00:57:24InsanityFight Install/Install.info
36481lh51614Amiga2003-11-26 14:02:00InsanityFight Install/Manual
19901lh51311Amiga2012-11-09 00:57:04InsanityFight Install/Manual.info
12381lh5737Amiga2012-11-09 00:53:52InsanityFight Install/ReadMe
19901lh51310Amiga2000-09-11 00:37:22InsanityFight Install/ReadMe.info
24331lh51111Amiga2012-11-09 00:55:14InsanityFight Install/src/InsanityFight.asm

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