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Eco Phantoms< >Edd the Duck

Edd the Duck 2 (Zeppelin Games)

download the install packageEddTheDuck2.lha
created at2022-12-14
size of install package24551 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker1708
Hall Of Light2827
Lemon Amiga2067
download images for that installwww.whdload.de

Short : HD-Installer for Edd The Duck 2 v1.3
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal, StingRay

This patch applies to "Edd The Duck 2" by Zeppelin (c) 1992 - 1 disk.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+.
Game requires 0.5MB ChipRAM (+ 0.7MB for PreLoad)

- Game loads entirely from HD
- RNC copylock removed
- Access fault fixed
- Blitter waits inserted (2x)
- Beam delays inserted
- Trainer and in-game keys option added (tooltype CUSTOM1=1)
- ButtonWait tooltype added for title picture
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (your default key)

TRAINER FEATURES (values found by Rob):
CUSTOM1=1 tooltype enables unlimited lives and ammo.
You can skip level with 'Help' key, F1 turns collision on/off.

V1.0 (16-Jan-2001) - first public release
V1.1 (18-Jul-2006) - taglist fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6, blitter waits inserted
V1.2 (23-Jun-2009) - access fault at final boss fixed, improved trainer, in-game keys added (with help of Rob)
                   - copylock cracked (supported image was crack!)
                   - check for unsupported versions added to find original image :)

V1.3 (14-Dec-2022) - support for SPS 1726 added
(StingRay)         - 68000 quitkey suopport
                   - new install script
         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
EddTheDuck2.slave - 14.12.2022 18:59:52 - 768 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameEdd The Duck 2
info copy1992 Zeppelin
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal & StingRay
V1.3 (14-Dec-2022)

Install Archive Content Listing
46491lh53159Amiga2009-06-23 16:34:42EddTheDuck2HD/EddTheDuck2.inf
84811lh55660Amiga2009-06-23 16:34:42EddTheDuck2HD/EddTheDuck2.newicon
7681lh5639Amiga2022-12-14 18:59:52EddTheDuck2HD/EddTheDuck2.slave
12331lh5587Amiga2009-06-23 16:34:42EddTheDuck2HD.info
378761lh59412Amiga2022-12-13 11:55:04EddTheDuck2HD/Install
7111lh5354Amiga2009-06-23 16:34:42EddTheDuck2HD/Install.info
13621lh5770Amiga2022-12-14 19:33:14EddTheDuck2HD/ReadMe
20401lh51584Amiga2009-06-23 16:34:42EddTheDuck2HD/ReadMe.info
41341lh51842Amiga2022-12-14 18:59:48EddTheDuck2HD/src/EddTheDuck2.asm

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