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Dimo's Quest< >Dino Wars

Dinosaur Detective Agency (Alternative Software)

download the install packageDinosaurDetectiveAgency.lha
created at2006-08-23
size of install package27834 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
DJ Mike
Hall Of Light359
Lemon Amiga1988

Short:    HD Installer for Dinosaur Detective Agency v1.0
Author:   DJ Mike (djmike@crystalmike.com; ICQ: 35028461)
Uploader: DJ Mike (djmike@crystalmike.com)
Version:  1.0
Type:     game/patch
Requires: WHDLoad 15, 512k chip memory

This patch applies to "Dinosaur Detective Agency"
© 1993 Alternative Software / Maximum Effect

- Original release (CAPS/SPS Release #2617)
- Cracked versions may also work, but there are no guarantees!

- WHDLoad is kept alive through the support of its users!
  - If you value this software then PLEASE REGISTER at http://www.whdload.de

- Original disk (x1) OR SPS .IPF image #2617
- Slave requires WHDLoad V15+
- Game requires 512k CHIP memory
  (+ 875k of memory for preload option)
- Game loads entirely from HD
- Quit to Workbench at any time (Default key: F10) on ALL Amigas
- Uses real files extracted from disk with RawDIC imager
- Ice! Decruncher moved to Fast Memory if available for faster loading
- Decompress files in Data folder using XFDDecrunch for ultra-fast loading!
- Blitter DMA enabled correctly in-game
- 46x Blit waits added
- 1x Empty DBF loop fixed
- Keyboard interrupt fixed
- High scores loaded and saved on disk (unless you cheat)
- Trainer mode added - set CUSTOM1=1, then during game:
  - F1 toggles Infinite Lives
  - F2 toggles Infinite Photos
  - HELP Skips to the end boss for the current level
- ROM/OS35/NewIcons included (made by myself)

- Donations towards my own work writing installs are always appreciated.
  I may even send you a beta of what I'm working on next :-)
  - Donate by Paypal to: djmike@crystalmike.com

v1.0 (DJ Mike 22-Aug-2006)
  - First public release


A quaint little platformer released by Alternative back in '93. Nothing amazing
but a fun little game nonetheless. Enjoy!

Greetings to Codetapper, Wepl, Bored Seal and all WHDLoad supporters!

-- DJ Mike (19th August 2006)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
DinosaurDetectiveAgency.slave - 22.08.2006 23:19:26 - 1764 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info nameDinosaur Detective Agency
info copy1993 Alternative Software / Maximum Effect
info installInstalled by DJ Mike
Version 1.0 (22.08.2006)

Install Archive Content Listing
400lh0402006-08-22 22:55:44DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\DDA.highs
2960lh52402006-08-22 23:21:14DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\DDA.islave
93090lh580772006-08-22 22:50:50DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\DinosaurDetectiveAgency.col
192150lh578392006-08-22 22:50:08DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\DinosaurDetectiveAgency.ni
6680lh53272006-08-22 22:50:58DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\DinosaurDetectiveAgency.rom
17640lh512832006-08-22 23:19:26DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\DinosaurDetectiveAgency.slave
9480lh54982006-08-22 22:51:30DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD.info
217660lh556432006-08-22 23:23:58DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\Install
7260lh53652006-08-22 23:24:28DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\Install.info
20870lh512212006-08-22 23:21:22DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\ReadMe
20400lh515822006-08-22 22:57:00DinosaurDetectiveAgencyHD\ReadMe.info

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last change : 2024-08-15
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