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Brutal Football< >B.S.S. Jane Seymour

Brutal Paws of Fury (GameTek)

download the install packageBrutalPawsOfFury.lha
created at2002-07-22
size of install package30724 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal
Hall Of Light216 5299
Lemon Amiga4728 651

Short : HD-Installer for Brutal Paws of Fury Floppy V1.0 + CD32 V1.0
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal (boredseal@seznam.cz)

This patch applies to "Brutal Paws of Fury" by GameTek (c) 1995 - 2 disks.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+.
Floppy version needs 1.0 MB Chip RAM (+ 1.9MB Other Mem for PreLoad) option).
CD32 version needs 2.0 MB Chip RAM (+ 1.3MB Other Mem for PreLoad) option).

- floppy release (supported by Richard Wagenfuhrer)
- CD32 release (supported by Christian Sauer)

- Full load from HD
- RNC decruncher relocated to Fast RAM
- ButtonWait tooltype added for GameTek logo (floppy version only)
- OSEmu used (CD32 version only)
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (your default key)

floppy V1.0 (17-Jun-1999) - first public release
cd32   V1.0 (27-Jun-2002) - CD32 version supported

You need real joypad to play CD32 version.
Cheat - enter 'NINE SPROGS' instead password and you will be untouchable ;).

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
BrutalPawsOfFuryCD32.slave - 03.07.2002 11:04:34 - 328 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory2048 KiB ($200000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameBrutal Paws of Fury CD32
info copy1995 GameTek
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal
V1.0 (27-Jun-2002)
BrutalPawsOfFury.slave - 03.07.2002 11:04:34 - 380 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameBrutal Paws of Fury
info copy1995 GameTek
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal
V1.0 (17-Oct-1999)

Install Archive Content Listing
3280lh52952002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\BrutalPawsOfFuryCD32.slave
91380lh523092002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\BrutalPawsOfFury.inf
109850lh541992002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\BrutalPawsOfFury.newicon
10960lh56292002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\BrutalPawsOfFury.readme
20260lh515672002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\BrutalPawsOfFury.readme.info
3800lh53172002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\BrutalPawsOfFury.slave
12330lh55892002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD.info
40890lh514271980-01-05 18:36:12BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\Install
7160lh53622002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\Install.info
324160lh5184242002-07-03 11:04:34BrutalPawsOfFuryHD\OSEmu.400

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