Short: HD-Installer for Archer Maclean Pool/Billard Americain V1.2
Author: Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team and Codetapper/Action
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (
Version: 1.2
Type: game/patch
This patch applies to "Archer Maclean Pool" (c) 1992 Archer Maclean/Virgin.
Thanks to Chris Vella, Jacob Jensen and Xavier Bodenand for the originals!
- Slave requires WHDLoad V10+.
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+250k other memory for preload option)
FEATURES: (01-Feb-1999)
- Full load from HD
- 2 versions supported
- Rob Northen copylock removed
- Manual protection removed
- Checksums removed (x2)
- Loads and saves scores and games (for registered users only)
- MagicWB and NewIcon included
- Quit option (default key is 'F9')
VERSION 1.2: (Codetapper)
- Supports the French version (Archer Maclean Billard Americain)
- Memory optimised (disk images are now 210k instead of 880k!)
- Save operations now use separate files rather than modifying disk images
- Quit key now detected on all CPU's
- Snoop bugs fixed
- Manual included
- Icons reworked, added OS3.5 Colour Icon (created by me!)
The memory requirements for the game have been reduced from earlier
versions by making the disk images smaller and storing the save data into
separate files. There is no harm in keeping your existing disk images but
they waste a lot more disk space and therefore a lot more memory to preload
them so it is recommended that you reinstall the game. This is
particularly wise for Amigas without any extra memory.
If you wish to erase any of the saved games or scores, just delete the
relevant file and it will be recreated the next time you save. If you have
scores or saved games on an existing disk that you want to use with the
install, you can rip them yourself using one of the many utilities on
Aminet. This table shows the offset and length for each save file:
Data Filename Offset Length
Scores ArcherMacleanPool.scores $cb800 $c00
Trick shots ArcherMacleanPool.tricks $ce400 $2200
Games $d0600 $2200
Matches ArcherMacleanPool.match $d2800 $2200
Tournaments ArcherMacleanPool.tourn $d4a00 $2200
If this is too difficult, email me and I'll send a utility to do it for
you automatically.
Greetings to Chris, Jacob and Xavier for sending the originals and testing,
Bored Seal for most of the patches for the French version, Wepl for
WHDLoad, all Action members, the WHDLoad team and of course to Archer
Maclean for writing such a brilliant game!
Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team and Codetapper/Action (09-Feb-2003)
Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:
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