Short : HD-Installer for Tint - The Black Lotus
Type : demo/patch
Author : Psygore (
That install applies to "Tint" © 1996 The Black Lotus
Winner of demo-compo at The Gathering 1996.
It requires:
- WHDLoad 16.3+
- 1.8 MB ChipMem & 2.7 MB OtherMem (+ 5.7 MB OtherMem for preload)
- AGA chipset and a 68020 processor (at least)
- XAD package must be installed to unpack the archive
Version 1.1 (15.08.2004) by Psygore:
- Interrupts fixed
- Music replay sound patched (works now on 060 with all caches)
- In tooltypes, use CUSTOM1=1 to restart music in the end part
- Demo runs now on BlizzardPPC and A4060 (thanks to Tony Aksnes and Jan Krolzig
for testing)
Version 1.0 (03.07.2004) by Psygore:
- Color/New/PowerIcon (created by me) included
- Stack moved to fast memory
- All executable files are relocated in fastmem
- All caches are enabled
- OS and VBR stuff patched
- Access to custom color register patched
- Rodney fullscreen picture correctly displayed on 060
- Quit with F10 (or with RMB)
You can depaked all files, but it needs about 20 MB of memory for preload
option and slaves needs 3.6 MB other memory (use Tint_Dec.slave).
By the way, you can repack files with Propack or FImp.
Additional note:
The decruncher (CRUa) has been optimized in speed (about 25% faster on 060).
The demo has been tested successfully on: Apollo1260, Blizzard1260, BlizzardPPC
(040/060), A4060 CyberStormPPC.
You can find the demo here:
If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via
or via mail to:
for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:
or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
and aminet:game/patch/
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(___/ \__/ \__)in 08.2004 |